Sunday, January 04, 2009

Hittin' the Ground Running in '09

Gnome Enthusiast V
oil and charcoal on found wood
32.5" x 29.5"

Gnome Enthusiast IV
oil and charcoal on found wood
16.5" x 29.5"

Gnome Enthusiast III
oil and charcoal on found wood
16.5" x 29.5"

Gnome Enthusiast II
oil and charcoal on found wood
16.5" x 29.5"

Gnome Enthuisiast
oil and charcoal on found wood
16.5" x 29.5"

So yeah, it's been awhile since I have done this blogger thing. Anyway, after seeing Clutch for the umpteenth million time and leaving the show a little jaded, jilted, and a bit inspired I finally had a second to paint on the 2nd and cranked out these five portraits. Each took under the length of your average Clutch album. These are some of the hardcore fans I had the pleasure of sharing my immediate space with nestled behind the sound man. Oh yeah, for you nonclutch-o-philes, Gnome Enthusiast is a song title from Clutch's Jam Room album, great song, great album!
Bright Moments!!

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