Monday, April 11, 2011

Mike and Ike (Mike Watt and Ike Turner) 2011

"Rocket 88" (Ike Turner)
acrylic and house paint on found wood
9" x 18"

Say what you want, the dude may have been a sonabitch, but he was one badd-ass musician. His version of Rocket 88 is credited as being one of thee first rock'n'roll songs ever recorded. Let's not forget to mention his funk and soul stuff from the late 60s and early 70s...schmokin', and of course the sheer wickedness of Tina Turner and her work with ol'Ike. I was really looking forward to his collaboration with the Black Keys, but sadly he passed before the project was completed.

"Hyphenated Man" Mike Watt
acrylic and house paint on found wood
22" x 24"

The Flannel -Clad Punk Rock Opera writin' hardest working man in the music biz...Mike Watt. I am looking forward to hearing his latest album, Hyphenated Man. It is all based on the artwork of Heironymous Bosch! Sounds art-nerdy- sweet!

1 comment:

pencilplan said...

Lookin reallll good buddy! Love the more line based work!